Cheyenne Bramwell

Cheyenne Bramwell (they/she) is a published author, a podcast junkie, and a professional fangirl.  They have worked on shows like Dice Tower Theatre, SCP Archives, and Alternative Stories and Fake Realities, and has way too many shows in her podcatcher.  Cheyenne is a poet and a fiction writer, a roleplayer, a cosplayer, a cat parent and so much more!  Check out their first published work: a poetry chapbook waging war on writer’s block.


Cheyenne is Magical BS’s head writer, transcriptionist, and liaison.  She is the host of Word Wonk Pod and will be voicing an undisclosed character in the upcoming Totally Normal Diner.

Sousa Kalliovski (it/they/ta) is a far less accomplished creature.  Newer to the podcast game, Sousa only has about 160 podcasts in the catcher, but that number is growing steadily.  It has done behind the scenes work for Dragon Wagon Radio and the Dimension Door Podcast including transcription, and is eager to jump into the podcasting world and make many more friends.  Some non-podcast hobbies include playing in the SCA, cosplay, fursuiting, and photography.

Sousa is Magical BS’s graphic and website designer, sound designer, and audio editor.  It will be the host of My Heart for Xadia, and will be voicing an undisclosed character in the upcoming Totally Normal Diner.

Sousa Kalliovski

Panda (he/him) is also new to the podcast world.  He is an avid TTRPGer and game master though and brings his own flavor of expertise to the network.  He loves math, numbers, and all things science and is always eager to learn more.  He is a cosplayer, a maker, and an engineer.

Panda is Magical BS’s budgeter and money guy.  He is the host of an upcoming unannounced project and will be voicing an undisclosed character in the upcoming Totally Normal Diner.

Henry (short-haired) and Edward (long-haired) are almost 5 year old twin brothers.  Adopted at 16 weeks, they have been the podcats since the dawn of the first show and have been the cause of many a blooper.  They love to play fight, sleep and yell for food.

Henry and Edward

Rum Tum Tugger (aka Rummy) is the youngest addition to the podfam.  He is over a year old and has all the fiest you could ever expect of a young man.  He loves biting toes, attacking microphones, and waking up early.